Oklahoma ranks 45th for overall child well-being. According to Oklahoma Policy Institute, this includes ranking 33rd in economic well-being, 40th in family and community context, and 48th in education. Oklahoma ranks number 1 in the US for the percentage of people experiencing 2 or more Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE).
Careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) pave the way to economic independence, resilience, and self-sufficiency. On average, STEM workers earn 25% more than their non-STEM counterparts. Project- and problem-based learning in STEM helps students build resilience through failure and iteration.
Because students decide they aren't good at Science and Math before they ever begin thinking about their future. By the time they get to High School and and consider career paths, they've already opted out of the courses that prepare them for careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
Oklahoma students are missing out on the opportunity to gain economic independence and build a better future.
What is the STEAM Engine?
Closing the STEM GapWe are dedicated to unlocking the potential of Oklahoma youth through hands-on STEM and Arts (STEAM) programs. We help students, particularly those from populations underrepresented in STEM, to develop the confidence and skills they need to be successful.
The STEAM Engine is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides out-of-school youth education programs that build 21st century skills to develop a talent pipeline and close the STEM workforce gap. |
(PHOTO: Girls Who Code Club at SWOKC Library, Spring 2020)
Building STEAM Support Systems
21st Century Skill DevelopmentOur youth programs are designed to help young people develop the skills they need to be successful in the 21st Century.
Family & Community EngagementOur Family and Community programs are designed to help parents and community stakeholders surround young people with the skills and resources they need to be successful.
Educator Professional DevelopmentOur Educator programs are designed to help educators incorporate project-based learning, STEAM, and inquiry-based learning in the classroom so that students have access to STEAM and project-based learning opportunities.